Salwan Montessori School, Gurugram (October 2024)

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Gandhi Jayanti Celebration

“Celebrating Gandhi’s Legacy Through Young Hearts: Inspiring Values of Truth, Courage, and Cleanliness!” Gandhi Jayanti was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Salwan Montessori School on October 1, 2024, through a special assembly where the parents of Grade 1 students were invited. The children beautifully showcased snippets from Mahatma Gandhi’s life, including memorable incidents depicted through short skits, such as his experience of stealing a pencil in school, being thrown off a train, and leading the Dandi March. The children also performed dances emphasizing cleanliness and other values that Gandhi ji stood for. Parents appreciated the children’s efforts and praised the meaningful performances.

S. No. Name Class Medal
1. Kanav Malviya III B Gold Medal
2. Ansh Mittal I B Gold Medal
3. Ridayjot Singh III A Silver Medal
4. lvaan Goel III A Silver Medal
5. Shivansh Kawatra III A Silver Medal
6. Riaan Singh II B Silver Medal
7. Ridhaan Luthra I B Silver Medal
8. Anahita Wadhwa I B Certificate of Appreciation

Ramayana Celebration

“Those who have knowledge of dharma say that truth is the highest dharma.”

On October 9, 2024, the Mont-2 and Mont-3 students of Salwan Montessori School brought to life the timeless values of the Ramayana through a captivating performance. With grace and enthusiasm, they enacted key episodes from the epic, highlighting the importance of truth, virtue, and the pursuit of righteousness. These young performers not only entertained the audience but also conveyed profound lessons on honesty and moral strength. Parents were deeply moved and appreciated the school’s efforts to instil these essential values during their children’s formative years.

Culmination - My Green Friends

“Planting Seeds of Knowledge, Nurturing a Greener Tomorrow!”

At Salwan Montessori School, on October 19, 2024, the culmination of Unit 2, My Green Friends, marked a proud moment as our young Mont-1 learners showcased their newly acquired knowledge and skills. Through music, dance, and a skit about making Earth happy by planting more trees, they illustrated the life journey of plants and emphasized the many gifts we receive from them. The event served as an inspiring platform for the students, filling parents with pride and joy. They deeply appreciated the children’s efforts and praised their remarkable performances.

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